
Mission Efficiency Call to Action

In preparation for COP28, and recognizing the pressing need to enhance energy efficiency to support climate targets, Mission Efficiency is launching a Call to Action on energy efficiency directed at world leaders.

Mission Efficiency Call to Action

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At COP28, we, as Mission Efficiency partners from government, finance, business, and civil society, call for Parties to the Paris Agreement to commit to more than doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvements annually by 2030. Globally, this will save the equivalent of all worldwide oil use in road transport today (more than 40 million barrels of oil per day) and significantly reduce the exposure of all consumers to energy price volatility.    

This doubling energy efficiency target is ambitious and achievable. Putting the world on track to net zero requires more than doubling the rate of energy efficiency globally to at least a 4% energy intensity improvement each year up to 2030. The IEA notes this is necessary and achievable, with more than 90% of countries improving energy intensity by 4% or more at least once in the past ten years 

 There is no time, or energy, to waste. Since 2021, countries representing 70% of global energy consumption have adopted new or improved energy efficiency policies in response to the energy crisis. Doubling the rate of energy efficiency gains, tripling renewables capacity, phasing down fossil fuels, and ramping up electrification pave the way to an affordable, resilient, net-zero energy system. Delivering these goals by 2030 strengthens the backbone of a just and equitable energy transition and bolsters the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  

 We, as Mission Efficiency partners: 

  • CALL on Parties to the Paris Agreement to agree on a global target of more than double the rate of energy efficiency improvement annually, aligned with the IEA's call to achieve an annual improvement of 4% energy intensity to limit global warming to 1.5 C.  
  • AFFIRM that tripling investment to more than USD 1.5 trillion per year from 2026 to 2030 is required to meet this target and CALL on multilateral development banks, central and commercial banks, and investors to ramp up investment in energy efficiency.  
  • RECOGNIZE that private sector participation is critical to hit this target and energy efficiency is a strategic priority for business and industry, and CALL on private sector partners to commit to investing in and delivering this target across sectors and geographies

2023 has been a landmark year for international attention and diplomacy on energy efficiency.  

 We welcome the leadership of the UAE COP28 Presidency in providing a platform for the Global Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Pledge, which calls for a tripling of renewables capacity to at least 11,000 GW and doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvement annually by 2030. We welcome the leadership of countries supporting the Pledge (more than 60 as reported by media) and call on Parties to the Paris Agreement to include doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvements annually by 2030, as part of an energy package, as a political outcome of the COP28 negotiations in a CMA decision on the Global Stocktake. 

 We welcome the leadership of the India G20 Presidency in providing a Voluntary Roadmap for Doubling Energy Efficiency by 2030 and a Strategic Plan for Doubling Energy Efficiency Improvements, which outlines key sectors and actions to achieve this goal. We encourage the India G20 Presidency to continue to champion delivery of these plans in 2024, in collaboration with the Brazil G20 Presidency. We encourage the Brazil G20 Presidency to convene Ministers and delivery organizations to address key bottlenecks for delivery, including finance, supply chains, and international standards. 

 We welcome the Nairobi Declaration, which calls for the international community to contribute to accelerating efforts to decarbonize the transport, industrial and electricity sectors through the use of smart, digital and highly efficient technologies and systems. We encourage Kenya, as host of the 2024 IEA Energy Efficiency Summit, to champion the role of energy efficiency in delivering SDG7 and improving quality access to energy in emerging and developing economies. 

 We welcome the Versailles Statement, signed by 46 governments at the IEA’s Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency in Paris, and affirm these champions’ call for stronger policy action in support of doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvements. We recall the Sønderborg Action Plan, launched in 2022, a set of strategic principles and policy toolkits developed that support governments seeking to implement efficiency policies rapidly. 

 We highlight a few of the numerous opportunities to double the rate of energy efficiency improvements including in the:  

  • Residential and commercial sector via deep retrofits, efficient electrification, demand flexibility, building codes, sector integration, regulations, and minimum energy performance standards. 
  • Transport sector via efficient electrification, flexible charging, charging infrastructure, public transport development, improved city design, regulations, and international standards. 
  • Industrial sector via electrification, conversion, fuel-shifting, carbon pricing, minimum energy performance standards, mandatory energy audits, fiscal reform and integrating sectors. 

 Successfully doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvement by 2030 will provide significant benefits to people, including: 

  • Providing people with an Energy Efficient Life that is abundant with more comfort, better light, longer range in their vehicles, fresher food, and more power for essential services.   
  • Save consumers money on energy bills and lower energy market volatility for governments. 
  • Deliver a just and equitable energy transition with affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all, including expanded electricity access to nearly 800 million people globally. 

 In addition, tripling investment in energy efficiency through 2030 will bring a range of economic, energy system and climate benefits, including to: 

  • Create 3 million jobs in locally based sectors including design, construction, retrofit, technology installation, maintenance, and manufacturing. 
  • Mitigate the need for a significant amount of new energy infrastructure beyond 2030 - 95EJ, or nearly 11,000 GW in capacity terms. This would enable faster decommissioning of existing fossil-fuel based energy supply. We need to triple renewables by 2030, but without energy efficiency, we would need twice this by 2030 to meet energy demand with clean energy. 
  • Reduce emissions by 7 Gt – equivalent to almost half of total emissions from coal in 2022. 

 A COP28 commitment to double the rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030, as part of a wider energy package, will set us on the path to a just and equitable energy transition that lowers bills, provides cleaner and more secure energy, and creates good, local jobs.  

 We, as Mission Efficiency partners, stand ready to drive delivery of this ambitious and achievable target. 

Going from ‘call’ to ‘action’

The Mission Efficiency Call to Action urges leaders at COP28 to commit to a global target of at least doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvement. 

But realizing this target depends on bold actions from industry, financial institutions, governments, and many other groups. 

Here’s how to take action to support global progress on energy efficiency. 

Mission Efficiency Pledge 

  • We call governments, organizations and individuals to submit their pledge to contribute to the global target of doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvements annually by 2030.  
  • Create your own Mission Efficiency Pledge by selecting energy efficiency actions from a menu of options. Progress reporting is conducted on an annual basis.  

UN Energy Compact 

Join a partner-led Energy Compact or submit your own custom UN Energy Compact using the Mission Efficiency Energy Compact Guide. 

The Energy Compacts are voluntary, trackable commitments launched at the High-Level Dialogue on Energy convened by the UN Secretary-General in September 2021. The Energy Compacts are designed to spur action towards SDG7 in line with net-zero goals.  

Download the Mission Efficiency Energy Compact Guide to develop a new Energy Compact or increase energy efficiency ambition in an existing compact.  

FAQ on doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030

The information provided below is intended to inform and support journalists, negotiators, policymakers, industry, financial actors, and civil society partners. 

If you have questions or comments, please contact larissa.gross@e3g.org and info@missionefficiency.org 

The basics of energy efficiency :

What is energy efficiency?

Energy efficiency is the amount of energy produced in proportion to the amount of energy used to produce it. Energy efficiency is calculated by dividing the energy obtained (useful energy or energy output) by the initial energy (energy input).

How is energy efficiency tracked?

Energy efficiency can be measured in many ways. The metric used for tracking economy-wide energy efficiency and the global energy efficiency goal is energy intensity. 

What is energy intensity?

Energy intensity is the amount of energy required to produce a unit of GDP. This is a key measure of energy efficiency of the economy. For example, in 2022, global energy intensity improved by just over 2% in 2022. This means that a unit of energy consumed in 2022 generated 2% more economic output than it did in 2021. - Primary energy intensity improvement is the percentage decrease in the ratio of global total energy supply per unit of GDP. - Rate of global primary energy intensity improvement is the indicator used to track progress on global energy efficiency. The rate is defined as the percentage decrease in the ratio of global total energy supply (MJ) per unit of gross domestic product ((year) YYYY Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Purchasing power parity (PPP)).

What does doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvement by 2030 mean?

Doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvement by 2030 is a global target using energy intensity as a metric. This goal can be interpreted in two ways:  - Doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvement using a 2010 baseline as per SDG7.3: This goal, as first stated in the SDGs calls for a doubling of the rate of energy efficiency using a benchmark of 2010 global energy intensity improvements which sat at 1.7%. Doubling this rate this decade would mean a rate of improvement of 3.4%, on average, annually up to 2030. - Doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvement in alignment with the IEA’s NZE Scenario: In the NZE Scenario global energy intensity falls (improves) by around 4% per year on average this decade (2020 - 2030). As 2022 saw a global energy intensity improvement, on average, of just over 2%, this interpretation is sometimes described as using 2022 as a baseline for the energy efficiency doubling goal.

What is the difference between global and country goals on doubling the rate of improvement in energy efficiency?

The global goal to double improvement in energy efficiency annually aligns with the IEA’s call for a global average 4% improvement rate annually in energy intensity by 2030. The achievement of this goal will look different across different national contexts as the baseline for intensity improvement rates will differ between countries. 

What are the investments requirements to meet the global goal on energy efficiency by 2030?

EA’s 2022 Energy Efficiency report highlighted that energy efficiency-related investment increases reached record levels in 2022 in response to the energy crisis. Energy efficiency investment increased by 16% to USD 600 billion in 2022 due to government stimulus programmes (e.g. US IRA, REPowerEU, Japan GX) driving spending on efficient buildings and with growing popularity of electric vehicles and heat pumps. However, energy efficiency investments faced significant headwinds in 2023 with rising interest rates and inflation. The IEA modelling estimates that investment in energy efficiency will need to triple by 2030 to nearly $2 trillion USD to reach a target of more than 4% energy intensity improvements. For the full more, see: https://www.iea.org/data-and-statistics/charts/global-energy-efficiency-related-end-use-investment-in-the-net-zero-scenario-2019-2030.

An Overview of the Energy Efficiency Ecosystem :

Who is Mission Efficiency?

Mission Efficiency was born as the Three Percent Club at the 2019 Climate Action Summit in New York City as a coalition of governments, organizations, and initiatives coming together to accelerate the transition towards energy-efficient economies worldwide at a three percent per year rate of improvement in energy efficiency. The club was rebranded as Mission Efficiency in 2022 at the SEforALL Forum in Kigali Rwanda to be a more inclusive and intuitive initiative that will improve global understanding of energy efficiency and share expertise and resources needed to deliver progress and solutions on energy efficiency and climate action.

What is the G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration 9-10 September 2023?

A joint declaration from G20 leaders identifying priority goals and areas for collaboration among the G20 bloc. The Leaders’ Declaration noted the Voluntary Action Plan on Doubling the Rate of Energy Efficiency Improvement by 2030 and included language on the importance to accelerate the development, deployment and dissemination of technologies, and the adoption of policies, to transition towards low-emission energy systems, including by rapidly scaling up the deployment of clean power generation, including renewable energy, as well as energy efficiency measures, including accelerating efforts towards phasedown of unabated coal power, in line with national circumstances and recognizing the need for support towards just transitions. For more, see: https://www.g20.org/content/dam/gtwenty/gtwenty_new/document/G20-New-Delhi-Leaders-Declaration.pdf 

What is the Voluntary Action Plan on Doubling the Rate of Energy Efficiency Improvement by 2030?

An output of the G20 Energy Transitions Ministers’ Meeting Outcome Document and Chair’s Summary (22 July 2023) which outlines key sectors for delivery of the doubling goal including buildings, industry, transport, finance, and sustainable consumption patterns. For more, see: https://www.g20.org/content/dam/gtwenty/gtwenty_new/document/G20_ETWG_Annex_B.pdf 

What is the COP28 Global Energy Package?

Civil society, the High Ambition Coalition and other progressive voices are calling for a COP28 agreement on goals to triple global renewable capacity and double the rate of energy efficiency improvement by 2030, alongside accelerating fossil fuel phase-out is critical. This will stimulate clean energy investment and help countries to develop ambitious and effective policies and pathways for their just energy transition. An ambitious COP outcome based on consensus will be crucial in tilting the policy and investment landscape to renewables and energy efficiency. 

What is the Nairobi Declaration?

A joint statement from the African Heads of State and Government who gathered for the inaugural Africa Climate Summit (ACS) in Nairobi Kenya from September 4-6, 2023. The Declaration called upon world leaders to to appreciate that decarbonizing the global economy is also an opportunity to contribute to equality and shared prosperity and invited development partners from the global south and north to align and coordinate their technical and financial resources to promote sustainable development of Africa’s natural assets for the continent’s progression towards low-carbon development and contributing to global decarbonization. Within this declaration, the African Leaders called upon the international community to contribute to multiple action areas including accelerating efforts to decarbonize the transport, industrial and electricity sectors through the use of smart, digital and highly efficient technologies and systems. For more, see: https://media.africaclimatesummit.org/NAIROBI+Declaration+FURTHER+edited+060923+EN+920AM.pdf?request-content-type=%22application/force-download%22 

What is the Versaille Statement?

A recognition from participants (African Union, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ethiopia, European Commission, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mauritania, Mongolia, Oman, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Senegal, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Togo, Türkiye, Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay) that there is potential for the annual energy intensity improvement rate to double from its current level, so as to ensure prosperity and sustainable economic growth and in order to be in line with global climate goals. The statement noted that ambitious actions should be taken by every country across all sectors, taking into consideration different starting points and national circumstances, to lead to an acceleration in overall global energy efficiency progress and to reduce energy demand, where possible. The statement also urged the Parties and all stakeholders at COP28 to raise their ambition and strengthen energy efficiency policy implementation in line with the Paris Agreement, and work towards an energy efficiency pledge at COP28. For the full statement, see: https://www.iea.org/news/versailles-statement-the-crucial-decade-for-energy-efficiency 

How is Mission Efficiency Call to Action and Pledge different from the Versailles Statement?

The Versailles Statement, signed by more than 45 government ministers in June 2023, supported ‘stronger policies and actions towards the goal of putting the world on track to achieving a doubling of the global average annual rate of energy efficiency improvements this decade, in line with the IEA Net Zero by 2050 Scenario’. The Mission Efficiency Call to Action specifically calls for all Parties to the Paris Agreement to support a global goal to double energy efficiency improvements annually through 2030, aligned with the IEA’s Net Zero Scenario. The Mission Efficiency Pledge provides members and partners to pledge a concrete commitment to support and drive delivery on this goal going forwards.  

The Mission Efficiency Call to Action and Pledge aligns and supports:

COP28 Plan to fast-track the energy transition and supercharge climate finance

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Versailles Statement

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Voluntary Action Plan on Doubling the Global Rate of Energy Efficiency

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European Commission Pledge Proposal

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Mission Efficiency

We welcome the leadership of the UAE COP28 Presidency in providing a platform for the Global Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Pledge.

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Mission Efficiency

We welcome the leadership of the UAE COP28 Presidency in providing a platform for the Global Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Pledge.

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Mission Efficiency

We welcome the leadership of the UAE COP28 Presidency in providing a platform for the Global Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Pledge.

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Mission Efficiency

We welcome the leadership of the UAE COP28 Presidency in providing a platform for the Global Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Pledge.

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Mission Efficiency

We welcome the leadership of the UAE COP28 Presidency in providing a platform for the Global Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Pledge.

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Mission Efficiency

We welcome the leadership of the UAE COP28 Presidency in providing a platform for the Global Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Pledge.


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