

Elevate energy efficiency in personal, organizational and global agendas - a clear narrative that supports progress, convening partners, matching solution offers and advocating for energy efficiency

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Energy Efficiency 101

Help the planet, help your wallet!


Check out the easy energy efficiency actions below. Then make a pledge to action.


  1. Switch to LED lights. Replacing old fluorescent and incandescent lighting with LED systems improve light quality and reduce heat gains. LEDs efficiency is up to 90% higher than incandescent lighting and 60% more efficient compared to fluorescent lighting. Learn more.
  2. Say YES to eco-cycle for laundry. Although some eco-cycles are typically longer than standard cycles, they save energy and water. Many modern washing machines use technologies to ensure clothes are clean without extra water or heat and modern laundry detergents work just as well at low temperatures. Learn more.
  3. Switch to efficient windows. Improve insulation by replacing single-pane windows with double pane windows, consider other elements to increase efficiency such as the frame materials, glass features, gas fills and spacers. Learn more
  4. Run your efficient dishwasher. Efficient dishwashers and modern detergents are designed to remove food without pre-rinsing. Running your dishwasher can save energy, water and time compared to doing the dishes by hand. Learn more
  5. Replace your old refrigerator with a new efficient and climate-friendly Replacing your old refrigerator can help you save 60% of electricity consumption at home and up to 80% in your business, while also having more climate friendly refrigerants. Learn more
  6. Trust the temperature of your efficient refrigerator. Modern and efficient refrigerators have improved compressors, refrigerants, and insulation. There is no need to change the temperatures during hot days, efficient refrigerators are designed to preserve food the longest. Learn more
  7. Use smart thermostats to automatically adjust temperatures. Programmable and adaptive smart thermostats can improve comfort and save energy by turning the heat or cooling off when they are not needed. Learn more.
  8. Buy or rent homes that are labelled efficient (e.g., 5 Star, A+, ENERGY STAR, LEED Platinum or equivalent). Energy savings can help make mortgage payments while having improve comfort in your new home. Learn more.
  9. Purchase or rent products with energy efficiency labels (e.g. BEE STAR, A+++, Energy STAR, FIDE). Efficient air conditioners, televisions, fans, dishwashers, washing machines, refrigerators and other electronic devices can improve comfort and save money. Learn more.
  10. Conduct energy audits at home or business. Simple or complex energy audits can help identify energy efficiency opportunities. At home, you can do your own home energy assessment, while some utilities or governments offer free or low-cost professional energy audits. Learn more.
  11. Install occupancy sensors to automatically turn lights off and on. At home, in school or the office, sensors can save between 15-30% on energy costs for lighting. Learn more.
  12. Use smart meters in households and business. Smart meters allow you to measure your energy consumption and send this information to your energy supplier. This means that you will have more accurate bills and helps you understand and manage your energy consumption. Learn more.
  13. Use reflective paint to keep the heat out. In business, schools, households and in vehicles, reflective paint can reduce up to 98% of the sun’s heat on your roof, walls and other surfaces. This reduces the need for air conditioners and improves thermal comfort. Learn more.
  14. Increase your insulation. More insulation can improve comfort and reduce energy bills. If you are updating your heating and cooling systems start by improving insulation first to reduce the size and cost of the system. Learn more.
  15. Use smart appliances and equipment or activate sleep settings. Power management systems switch off appliances and equipment when they are not in use. Learn more.
  16. Regularly perform maintenance of heating and cooling Repairing leaks and identifying damaged components ensures the system is working efficiently. Learn more.
  17. Open and close your shades and curtains. Increase your thermal comfort and reduce energy use by controlling the direct sun through windows by opening and closing shades or curtains. External shades provide excellent reduction of direct solar gain, while internal curtains can act as an insulation barrier and shade to keep heat in during the winter and keep the heat out in the summer. Learn more.
  18. Install heat pumps powered by low-emissions electricity. Heat pumps used for heating and cooling, reduce household’s exposure to price changes of fossil fuels and are three to five times more energy efficient than natural gas boilers. Tip: Do not forget to improve insulation before. Learn more.
  19. Don’t forget to inflate your tyres on your vehicle. Check the appropriate pressure of your tyres periodically to ensure that under inflated tyres are not increasing your fuel consumption or posing safety concerns. Learn more.
  20. Be aware of your vehicle’s aerodynamics. This includes not using roof racks in your car when you don’t need them, as they and other car attachments can increases drag and fuel consumption. Learn more.

Energy efficiency is related but different than:

Energy conservation

Using less services to use less energy and is often a behavioral change. Examples of energy conservation includes turning the light off, even if light is needed, or by dimming the lights below the lighting lumens needed for the productive use or need for illumination.

Energy sufficiency

Having the energy service you need without additional energy, typically by design. Examples include using natural daylight instead of an electrical light and turning the lights off when you don’t need them.

Energy productivity

Gaining more service (or productive use) from the same amount of energy. Examples include providing more lumens of light with the same amount of energy.

Renewable energy

Energy that is climate friendly and long term viable (sustainable) from renewable resources, ideally from multiple sources that can support hourly and seasonal variation in energy demand. Examples include small- or large-scale biofuels, geothermal, hydro, solar and wind energy sources

Energy Efficiency

Using less energy for the same service, typically by design. Examples include having a lightbulb that uses less energy to provide the same light service & having sensors and smart switches that turn the light off when you don’t need additional light.

Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency

The term multiple benefits aims to capture a reality that is often overlooked: investment in energy efficiency can provide many different benefits to many different stakeholders.

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